Beiträge von michel bosters

    (sorry I can't write in deutsch)
    I also had a negative experience with Uli Luesebrink.
    I bought a NEXO set: 2 x PS15 and 2x LS1200 on 15 november 2006.
    And I paid it, so he could sent the the set with spedition to us.
    Till today I haven't reveiced the goods and I can't reach him.
    The voicemail of his telephone is full, he doesn't take calls. He receives my emails and reads them but he never responds.
    So I'm rather pissed and thinking about what to do next.

    Does any of you has an good idea how to deal with mr. Luesebrink?

    Thanks for a reaction,

    Michel Bosters
    De rijskamp 7
    5258EA Berlicum
    AUDIO LOGIC Sound Solutions